Calvary Chapel
Homeschool Enrichment (CCHE)
“Train up a child in the way they should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)
Our mission is to enrich Homeschool families by presenting educational activities while sharing God’s Love. As Homeschool parents, we realize that social opportunities are greatly needed for both child and parent. We strive to offer activities that engage a wide range of ages while maintaining Biblical Standards. One of our motivations is to bridge the gap on events that Homeschool children miss out on such as social time, holiday celebrations, and field trips while keeping the LORD as our center focus.
Parental Support
We are not only here for the children, but our hope is also to build a strong community for Homeschool parents. As wonderful as homeschooling your children can be, it also comes with its own challenges. If you are need of information, guidance, or prayer, please reach out to any of our CCHE leaders.
Contact Information
To join or for additional information, contact Joanna Egger at (209) 352-5598 or