Venturing into GOD's creation to praise and thank Him, read His Word
and have fellowship with one another.
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name,
I am there in the midst of them.” -Mathew 18:20 (NKJV)
Wilderness Bible Study
Join us as we trek into the wild for the purpose of studying GOD’s word while among one of His inspiring creations.
Wilderness Bible Studies are typically held the third Saturday of every month and last several hours.
Outdoor Adventures
Outdoor adventures are scheduled throughout the year and include activities such as hiking, camping, rafting, fishing, biking, skiing, boating, flying, etc.
While these outings do not include a specific bible study, there will be plenty of praise, devotion, worship and fellowship.
Connect. Grow Together.
-Upcoming Events-
Contact Mike Thomas at (209) 743-7805 or for additional information.