Home Fellowship Groups
Home Fellowships are offered throughout the county and provide the opportunity to connect with fellow believers and grow in faith. Contact the group leader and/or host for additional information.
Thursdays | 6:30 pm | Columbia
Leader: Miles McMahon | Hosts: Miles and Joyce McMahon
Contact: Miles at (209) 694-5806
Thursdays | 5:30 pm | Jamestown
Leaders: Louis Sweet and Dennis Townsend | Hosts: Louis and Sonya Sweet
Contact: Louis Sweet at (209) 588-3032 or Dennis Townsend at (209) 768-6191
Mondays | 6:30 pm | Tuolumne
Leaders: Tim and Karen Robertson
Contact: Tim (209) 352-1534 or Karen (209) 352-4111
Rancho Poquitos
Mondays | 5:30 pm | Rancho Poquitos
Leaders: Rachel Beckam and Keli Rudd
Contact: Rachel at (916) 508-8322 or Keli at (209) 202-9479
This is a women’s home fellowship group that meets twice monthly. If possible, please bring a finger food to share.