Welcome to Calvary Chapel Sonora’s
Men’s Ministry!
Men’s Breakfast
Fireside Room | 1st Saturday of each month
A men’s breakfast is offered on the first Saturday of every month at Calvary Chapel Sonora. Breakfast begins at 7:00 am and includes the sharing of a testimony. A work day and outreach opportunity to follow.
Men’s Prayer
Calvary Chapel Sonora | 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month
Join real men of God in prayer for the Men’s Ministry and other important church and community issues on the second and fourth Sunday of each month. Prayer begins at 5:00 pm.
Annual Men’s Retreat
Camp Galilee, Lake Tahoe | Date TBA
Refresh and recharge in the Word during a weekend away. Teachings, testimony, outdoor adventures and fellowship are among the highlights of the annual retreat.
Current Bible Studies
Sunday Evening Prayer
2nd and 4th Sunday | 5:00 pm
Location: Calvary Chapel Sonora
Contact CCS at (209) 533-8820 for additional information.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Tuesdays | 8:00 am
Location: Yianni’s Restaurant
Contact Pastor Miles McMahon for more information at (209) 694-5806.
Thursday Morning Study
Thursdays | 6:30 a.m.
Location: Calvary Chapel Sonora
Breakfast will be served. Contact Mike Thomas for more information at (209) 743-7805.