Wilderness Bible Study (Copy)
12:30 PM12:30

Wilderness Bible Study (Copy)

Wilderness Bible Study for March

New Melones Dam Wildflower Hike

Sunday, March 22: 12:30 PM

We are breaking from tradition this month to do a Sunday Hike. We will hike about 2.2 miles up from Peoria Rd. to New Melones Dam. God willing, the wildflowers will be awesome. Then, while looking down on the Stanislaus River below the dam, we will study God's Word. The whole trip should take about 3 to 4 hours. Meet after church in front of the foyer. We hope you will join us.

For more information, contact Mike 209-743-7805, mthomas@ccsonora.com, or sign up in the foyer.

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Snowmobiling & Wilderness Bible Study
8:00 AM08:00

Snowmobiling & Wilderness Bible Study

Wilderness Bible Study for February


Saturday, February 22nd, 9:30 AM

We will rent snowmobiles, and explore the area surrounding Lake Alpine and Ebbetts Pass. Expect spectacular views, (weather permitting), and big time fun. The rental period is 4 hours. During that time we will take a short snack/Bible study break, before returning to Bear Valley. The Cost is $219 per machine, and each machine can take two riders. The driver must be licensed and 18+. Space is limited.

For more information, contact Mike 209-743-7805, mthomas@ccsonora.com, or sign up in the foyer.

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Wilderness Bible Study
2:30 PM14:30

Wilderness Bible Study

Wilderness Bible Study for January

New Melones Sunset Bike

Saturday, January 18th 2:30 PM

Join us for a bike ride and Bible Study. We will bike around the Trails at New Melones Lake, prior to reading God’s Word and viewing the sunset. The trails are intermediate, smooth mountain bike trails with several ups and downs. If you do not have a bike, there may be some loaners available.

For more information, contact Mike 209-743-7805, mthomas@ccsonora.com, or sign up in the foyer.

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Wilderness Bible Study
2:30 PM14:30

Wilderness Bible Study

Wilderness Bible Study for November

Sunset Hike / Red Hills

Saturday, November 16th 2:30 PM

Repeating one of our most popular events from last year, we will venture out to Red Hills this time. There we will hike a little bit to a view point (about 1mile), where we will have some hot chocolate, snacks, fellowship, and read God's word. Then we will watch as God brings one day to a close, in preparation for the next. After all that, we will hike back in the twilight. You'll need to dress appropriately for fall, and bring a flashlight, if you have one, and of course, your Bible.

For more information, contact Mike 209-743-7805, mthomas@ccsonora.com, or sign up in the foyer.

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Wilderness Bible Study
9:00 AM09:00

Wilderness Bible Study

Wilderness Bible Study for October

Fall Colors

Saturday, October 19th 9:00 AM

Join us while we seek out one of the ways God inspires us…..through the changing from fall to winter. We will travel to Sonora Pass and explore a grove of Aspens in full, glorious yellow. There we will enjoy a picnic, fellowship, and reading of Gods word. Bring a chair, lunch, appropriate shoes, dress for cool weather, and your Bible. We may walk around exploring a bit, but this is not meant to be a hike. Desert will be provided. Car pools can be arranged. Weather may force a change of venue.

For more information, contact Mike 209-743-7805, mthomas@ccsonora.com, or sign up in the foyer.

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Wilderness Bible Study
8:00 AM08:00

Wilderness Bible Study

Wilderness Bible Study for August

Wilderness Bible Study for August


Saturday, August 24, 2019 8:00 AM

God's Bath is one of the most unique swimming holes in all of California, with a surprise that only God could have created. Join us for our Hike/Swim/Study while we fellowship in an amazing place. The hike is short, (less than a mile one-way), but there is about a 100 yard steep section from the road to the river, and some of the hiking is in, or very near the water, so it can be slick. Other than that, there is not much elevation change, and it is not very strenuous. Due to the popularity of this spot, we will try to leave by early afternoon. We would also like to do some clean-up while there, to leave God's creation better than when we found it.

For more information, contact Mike 209-743-7805, miket@allgooddrivers.com, or sign up in the foyer.

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Full Moon Float
8:30 PM20:30

Full Moon Float

Full Moon Float

Have you ever been on a lake during a full moon? This is your chance. We will fellowship, reflect(literally) on God’s Creation, and echo verses out loud, while we float on Pinecrest Lake. Being on a lake at full moon is cool enough, being on Pinecrest at full moon, ups the spiritual nature of this outing. Bring your kayak, canoe, rowboat, paddleboard, raft, whatever you can float on. Some extra crafts will be available with advanced notice.

Contact Mike: (209)743-7805, Miket@allgooddrivers.com, or sign up in the foyer.

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Rafting and Camping on The American River
to Jul 27

Rafting and Camping on The American River

Psalm 65:9 You visit the earth and water it; you greatly enrich it; the river of God is full of water…..

Few things express the majesty of God’s creation like rivers. Come join us for camping and rafting on the American River hosted by Calvary Chapel Concord. Two days of praise, worship, fellowship, food, excitement, and water.

You must be at least 8 years old to raft but all campers are welcome. The cost for the entire trip will be around $150. This includes rafting, meals, and camping. Stay tuned for more details.

For information contact Mike text/voice: 209-743-7805 or email: miket@allgooddrivers.com

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Wilderness Bible Study
9:00 AM09:00

Wilderness Bible Study

Wilderness Bible Study for June

Rescheduled from the 3rd Saturday to the 5th Saturday, for June only

Paddle/Hike /Paddle

Saturday, June 29th, 2019 9:00 AM

With summer finally arriving, this will be one of the best Wilderness Bible Studies of the year! We will go to Pinecrest, then paddle across the lake (canoe/kayak/paddleboard/whatever), and then we will hike to Cleo’s Bath. Once there, we will eat lunch and study God’s word, before hiking back to our boats, and paddling back to civilization. Cleo’s bath is on the upper South fork of the Stanislaus river, and is one of the most impressive stretches of river in the area. There are smooth granite formed pools and waterfalls for miles. Swimming will depend on water levels, but is highly likely for those who wish to cool off. It is truly a spectacular place to study the Bible. The hike portion is mostly easy-to intermediate, with not much elevation change, and only 2 miles in. But, the last 1/4 mile is steep, technical, advanced hiking. We can arrange for carpools, and extra boats, and canoe space is available for those who don’t have their own. Bring lunch, your Bible, and appropriate clothes and gear. Plan on an whole day outing. It is suitable for kids, age determined by parental discretion.

For more information, contact Mike 209-743-7805, miket@allgooddrivers.com, or sign up in the foyer.

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Wilderness Bible Study
9:00 AM09:00

Wilderness Bible Study

Wilderness Bible Study for April

Tuolumne Railroad Grade Walk/Hike

Saturday, April 20, 2019

This will be more a walk than a hike. We will walk about 1.5 miles up the Tuolumne Railroad Grade. Then, while looking down on the North Fork Canyon, we will study God's Word. Due to Easter being the next day, we are keeping this an easy, and short outing. We expect to be done around noon. We hope you will join us.

For more information, contact Mike 209-743-7805, miket@allgooddrivers.com

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Wilderness Bible Study:  Goodwin Canyon Hike
10:30 AM10:30

Wilderness Bible Study: Goodwin Canyon Hike

Wilderness Bible Study for March

Goodwin Canyon

Saturday, March 16, 2019 10:30 AM

Hike with us from Knights Ferry into Goodwin Canyon. If you've never seen this area in the spring, you're missing out. As we follow the river, we will see explosions of color in flowers, trees, grass, water and rocks. Once we arrive at our chosen lookout, we will eat lunch, pray, fellowship, and study God's Word. This is a beginner hike, with one short intermediate section. Total length is about 4 miles total. Suitable for all ages. Saturday, March 16, 2019. Please bring lunch and your bible. Meet at 10:30 at the Day-O in Jamestown. Carpools can be arranged.

For more information, contact Mike 209-743-7805, miket@allgooddrivers.com

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Skiing / Snowboarding
10:00 AM10:00

Skiing / Snowboarding

Skiing/Snowboarding at Dodge Ridge:

Join us for a day of riding together. If you enjoy skiing/snowboarding, we are planning to meet at 10:00 am after our on snow monthly Wilderness Bible Study. In the main lodge at Dodge Ridge. (Join us for that too if you like) God has blessed us with many fun things to do. Lets take a day and ride together. We will assist with getting discounted tickets if you need one. Contact Mike: 209-743-7805 for more information.

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Wilderness Bible Study
8:30 AM08:30

Wilderness Bible Study

Breakfast on the Snow

We know it sounds cold, but every once in a while, you just have to get out and play in the snow, or at least be surrounded by it. Join Us as we enjoy a camp fire, coffee, food, fellowship, and God’s word, while we sit upon, and are surrounded by one of God’s great provisions for us: snow. You’ll just need a chair, warm clothes, and a blanket. Contact Mike for more details 209-743-7805.

And, if your up for more adventure, you can join us immediately following the bible study, as some of us hit the slopes at Dodge Ridge, for our first Outdoor Adventure trip of the 2019 year. See the events page, or the Outdoor Adventure page

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