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Wilderness Bible Study

Wilderness Bible Study for November

Sunset Hike / Red Hills

Saturday, November 16th 2:30 PM

Repeating one of our most popular events from last year, we will venture out to Red Hills this time. There we will hike a little bit to a view point (about 1mile), where we will have some hot chocolate, snacks, fellowship, and read God's word. Then we will watch as God brings one day to a close, in preparation for the next. After all that, we will hike back in the twilight. You'll need to dress appropriately for fall, and bring a flashlight, if you have one, and of course, your Bible.

For more information, contact Mike 209-743-7805,, or sign up in the foyer.

Earlier Event: October 19
Wilderness Bible Study
Later Event: January 18
Wilderness Bible Study